Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometers
With the introduction of the USB2 platform spectrometers the setup of this chapter has slightly
changed, first you will find all spectrometers by ordering code and then you will find last paragraphs
of this chapter the connections for both USB1 platform and USB2 platform.
AvaSpec-128 Fiber Optic Spectrometer
The AvaSpec-128 Fiber Optic Spectrometer is
based on the AvaBench-45 symmetrical Czerny-
Turner design with 128 pixel Photo Diode Array.
The spectrometer has a fiber optic entrance
connector (standard SMA, others possible),
collimating and focusing mirror and diffractional
grating. A choice of 11 different gratings with
different dispersion and blaze angles enable
applications in the 360-1100nm range. The
AvaSpec-128 can be delivered with 2 platforms of
electronics; either with USB1.1 with 14 bit AD
converter or the new USB2.0 with 16 bit AD
converter. Applications for this instrument are
low cost color measurements. Digital IO ports enable external triggering and control of shutter and
pulsed light sources from the Avantes line of instruments.
The AvaSpec-128 is also available as dual channel or multiple channel instrument (up to 8 channels),
where all spectra are taken simultaneously.
The AvaSpec-128 comes with AvaSoft-basic, a complete manual, USB interface cable and a PS-
12V/1.0A power supply. AvaSoft-full and application software can be ordered separately.
Alternatively the AvaSpec-128-SPU has a switch to run on USB power or external power.
The new AvaSpec-USB2 has a USB2 interface with ultrafast datasampling of 8000 spectra per second
(with on board averaging) and datatransfer in 1.1msec and supports analog in-and outputs as well.
Optional Bluetooth (-BT) communication and an SD card for on-board saving of spectra can be
added. Multiple (up to 127) USB2 spectrometers with different detector types can be externally
AvaSoft-full and application software can be ordered separately.
Technical Data
Spectrometer platform
Optical Bench
Symmetrical Czerny-Turner, 45 mm focal length
Wavelength range
360-1100 nm
1.4 –64 nm, depending on configuration (see table)
Stray light
< 0.3%
Sensitivity (AvaLight-HAL, 8 µm fiber)
counts/µW per ms integration time
1000 (14-bit AD)
4000 (16-bit AD)
Photo diode array, 128 pixels