Make Calls with normal Telephones and change Settings
Use the Alarm Function
Note: For the switching of a relay via an external telephone you need
an analog DTMF telephone, an ISDN telephone with DTMF signali-
zation or a DTMF sender. If you called the PBX via the special tele-
phone number for remote switching and programming, you will hear
the external acknowledge tone (1 second) and will be able to enter a
digit sequence (with the external PIN). Then you hear the external
acknowledge tone again. If you wait too long with the entry of the
code or if you enter a wrong code, you will hear the busy tone, In this
case hang up the receiver and start again at the beginning.
If the alarm functions of the PBX are used, in case of an alarm, inter-
nal and external subscribers may be called by the PBX and sirens
and alarm indication lights can be switched on.
The Alarm Procedure:
Alarm detection at the alarm input (contact closed longer than ½
a second).
The configurable alarm delay time is running (0-99 seconds).
Non recurring start of the siren (for 1-6000 seconds) and/or the
alarm indication light (for 1-6000 minutes).
At the same time the first alarm loop (emergency calls to the
alarm subscribers) starts with the call to the first alarm subscriber
(app. 60 seconds). Internal alarm subscribers will be called with
a special ringer rhythm (may be dependent to telephone). After
picking up the receiver an announcement recorded in the PBX is
played back. The called partner has to acknowledge the emer-
gency call within 60 seconds by dialling the DTMF digit
If the called partner did not acknowledge the emergency call, the
next emergency subscriber would be called a few seconds later
when the conversation has been finished and so on.
If all configured emergency call subscribers are called and the
alarm has not been acknowledged, the alarm call will be repeated
after a configurable emergency delay time (0-99 seconds) (up to
nine repetitions).
Confirm the alarm: An alarm may be signalled by the ringing of an
internal telephone as well as of an external telephone. In order to fin-
ish the whole alarm sequence, you are able to confirm the alarm as
described later.
Activate the alarm: You can activate/deactivate the alarm via an
internal or external telephone. If you only activate the alarm input for
a one-time alarm, it will automatically be deactivated after triggering.
If you want the alarm input being activated after triggering, you have
to set it to “always activated“.
Note: To confirm the alarm is possible during the announcement. If
you do not confirm the alarm (also when dialling a wrong digit), you
will hear the busy tone and the call will automatically be disconnected
by the PBX. Perhaps after a certain time another alarm call will hap-
pen even if the other alarm subscribers have not confirmed the alarm.
Remote Switching via external Telephone
b r
##8s *26
telephone number for
remote switching and
External PIN
Identification number for relays with the
operation mode “configuration dependent“
switch on
Identification number for relays with the
operation mode “configuration dependent“
switch off
Identification number for relay with the
operation mode “stairway light, door opener,
alarm indication lamp, siren, PC relay“
switch on (switch off auto-
matically after configured
Use the Alarm Function
Your Telephone rings with the Alarm Rhythm – Confirm Alarm
b f 0
Alarm call to an internal (special ringing
rhythm) or external telephone
within 60 seconds with DTMF telephone, DTMF
sender or ISDN telephone with DTMF signalling
2 seconds
confirming tone