Make Calls with normal Telephones and change Settings
Talking to a Visitor at the Door (Door Terminal Call)
Important: The InterCom permission must be activated on the called
system telephone.
The InterCom handsfree is limited to 120 seconds. After that the con-
nection will be interrupted automatically unless the receiver of the
system telephone will be picked up within this period.
Important: The telephone used needs an authorization for loud-
speaker announcements (see
chapter View and modify the Proper-
ties of your own Subscriber Port on page 63
If the PBX is connected to a door terminal you can speak to visitors
at the door from your telephone.
The telephone rings: If the “door ringing“ is activated on your tele-
phone, the ringing of a visitor will be signalled on your telephone.
Then you can take the door terminal call like any other call
The door bell rings: When you hear your door bell ringing, you are
able to call the door terminal via any telephone. The connection is set
right after having dialled the telephone number. If you are already in
a call, start a Query.
The visitor has not pressed the Door bell key: When you hear your
door bell ringing, you are able to call the door terminal via any tele-
phone. The connection is set right after having dialled the telephone
Open the door: During a door call with a visitor in front of the door
terminal you are able to activate the door opener by dialling
F #
Query and connection: During a door call you can start an internal
or external query.
Note: The door bell is ringing for 5-30 seconds depending on the con-
figuration. If you have picked up the receiver too late, you would be
still able to call the door as described in the following.
Start InterComHandsfree to an internal System Telephone
b ##012 n
internal telephone number*
Internal telephone number of the individual system telephone (If you use a direct exchange line telephone,
have to be preceded.)
Voice connection for handsfree operation
Make a Loudspeaker Announcement
internal telephone number*
Internal telephone number of the announcement output (If you use a direct exchange line telephone,
have to be preceded.)
Voice connection for loudspeaker announcement
Talking to a Visitor at the Door (Door Terminal Call)
Your Telephone rings
door bell ringing
door conversation