MAN - BBR3 - REV: Original | E. Operation
WARNING: Load frame should be removed from the bath and allowed to warm to room temperature
before removing the anvil adapters.
2. Raise the loading shaft. Remove the non-compliant beam and place the specimen in the test position. Gently lower
the loading shaft, so it contacts the specimen. Make sure the load display is 35 ±10 mN. If it is not, adjust the zero
3. Press the START TEST button.
4. The horizontal graph allows the operator to monitor test progress. Current deflection and load values are displayed
on the graph.
5. To abort the test, press the STOP TEST button.
6. When the test is complete the system will automatically generate a report and display it.
View Test
View Test is used to look at test data for tests that have already been run and saved. When you press the VIEW
TEST button the screen shown in Figure E.18 will display.
The TEST DATA sections allows users to select different test runs already saved. Press the down arrow button to
show a list. Once a data set has been selected, the data is displayed in the graph.
Press the SHOW DATA button to open a dialog that shows a table of the data values for the selected run. It can also
be printed from this dialog.
The SHOW REPORT button will open the report that was generated for the selected test run.
Use the TIME switch to change between FULL GRAPH and ZOOM. ZOOM will let you zoom in on the time scale and
put a scroll bar under the graph to allow you to move the display back and forth.
Figure E.18 - View Test main software screen