Manual Weighing Controller A 810
A.S.T. Angewandte SYSTEM-TECHNIK GmbH Dresden
Command No 2Dh
Parameters: none
Parameters resolution, count-by step, filter coefficient, and status of the zero-tracing
facility of the current channel are transmitted. The dwell range is transmitted as well
except for the compound channel.
When a scale has a partial weighing range (multi-range scale), the resolution and count-
by step of the partial weighing range are also included in the data record.
Returned data record (scale without partial weighing range):
* identifier
'A' for resolution of the scale, unit divisions
* number
ASCII string of number of divisions
* identifier
'P' for step, count-by step of the scale
* number
ASCII sequence of step, unit 1/10000 of currently used unit
* identifier
'I' for filter coefficient
* numeral
ASCII character of filter coefficient/10
* identifier
'Z' for zero tracing facility
* numeral
'0' for inactive / '1' for active
* identifier
'S' for dwell range of scale
* number
ASCII string of 1/10 divisions
* identifier
irrelevant for A810, is transmitted for reason
* numeral
of compatibility with previous controller
Example: 'A2500P20I9Z1S10F0'
divisions, count-by step 0.002*unit of
measurement, filter 90, zero tracing facility
active, dwell range 1d
Returned data record (multi-range scale):
* identifier
'A' for resolution of the scale, unit divisions
* number
ASCII string of number of divisions
* identifier
'P' for step, count-by step of the scale
* number
ASCII string of step, unit 1/10 gram
* identifier
'a' for resolution of the scale (partial weighing range), unit divisions
* number
ASCII string of number of divisions
* identifier
'p' for step, count-by step of the scale (partial weighing range)
* number
ASCII string of step, unit 1/10 gram
* identifier
'I' for filter coefficient
* numeral
ASCII character of filter coefficient/10
* identifier
'Z' for zero tracing facility
* numeral
'0' for inactive / '1' for active
* identifier
'S' for dwell range of scale
* number
ASCII string of 1/10 divisions
* identifier
irrelevant for A810, is transmitted for reason
* numeral
of compatibility with previous controller
Example: 'A2500P200a3000p20I9Z1S10F0'
2500 divisions, count-by step 0.02*unit of measurement, 3000 divisions
in partial weighing range, count-by step 0.002*unit in partial range, filter
90, zero tracing facility active, dwell range 1d
Command No 45h
Parameter: number of unit of measurement
This is to set the unit of measurement by transmitting its number as a parameter. When
doing so, the numbers ‘0’ to ‘6’ stand for the units of measurement kg, t, g, lb, oz, N, and
KN. The command is executed only when the selected unit of measurement has been
declared during set-up.
The scale is switched to unit t.