Instructions For Use
6.3 False recording of FHR
When monitoring FHR, the heart rate may be falsely reported. This can have a number of causes
including double-rating or half rating, and is characteristic of ultrasound fetal monitoring. Another
cause may be detection of maternal signals, (particularly in the absence of fetal signals). Doubling of
the maternal rate can result in a trace looking like a fetal trace.
How to minimise the chances of double rating, half rating or other types of artefact occurring
1. Palpate the maternal pulse for one minute simultaneously and record it on the printed output. Check that
the maternal rate is different from the displayed fetal rate.
2. Listen to the Audio signal. The sound will always reflect the true rate of the detected signal and cannot
be affected by double rating or half rating. Fetal heart sound should be like a galloping horse, not a
swishing sound from maternal vessels.
3. Repeat any of 1 to 3 if half rating or double rating or other artefact is suspected.
6.4 Twins Ultrasound Monitoring
Use the same procedure as for singleton monitoring, using multiple transducers.
1. Connect the green transducers to the green sockets marked FHR1/FHR2 on Team3. On the main screen,
the ULT1/2 regions become active.
2. Palpate the abdomen and ascertain the lie of each fetus.
3. Place the ultrasound transducers on the patient’s abdomen in the optimum positions. Use the ULT1
transducer to monitor the first, presenting fetus. Make the transducers secure with belts.
4. To hear the audio signal for each fetus, press the relevant area of screen. The Audio symbol shows which is
the active audio channel.
5. Check that the two heart rates are different.
If the heart rates appear similar check the positions of the transducers.
6. Connect the fetal event marker to the socket on the rear panel. Explain to the mother how and when to use
7. Refer to Settings Menu - Print Settings if printer offsets* are required on the traces.
*Note: Once selected, this offset option remains active until de- selected by the user or the unit is
switched off. (Subject to locally set default settings).
When interpreting a trace to which the +20bpm or -20bpm offsets have been applied, the interpreter
must subtract or add these offsets (20 bpm) from the displayed baseline rate to determine true
baseline rate – failure to do so may result in misinterpretation of the trace & inappropriate clinical
management. The ULT2 +20 flags are printed at regular intervals as a reminder.