Revised by R. Robinson
Issue AV1.13 8 June 2006
mm is the Minutes of the Hour
Related Zones.
Zone 305
Set = which time setting (01~10)
Default value =
hh:mm d
Range =
See below
This Zone allows the programmer to set the system Alarm Clock. There are ten individual times that can be set
for this function. When triggered, all idle keyphones will emit Background Music for the time as set by the
duration. SLTs will not be affected by this function.
00~23 Depending on 12 or 24 Hour Clock
mm 00~59
00~99 Duration of signal in Minutes
Related Zones.
Zone 306
Day TM
Set = Day of Week (00~06)
Default value =
8:30 to 17:30 for all days except Sunday which is 00:00 to 00:00 (hh:mm to HH:MM)
Range =
as below
00 = Sunday, 01 = Monday, 02 = Tuesday, etc.
This Zone allows the Day time duration for each day of the week.
Hh = start hour for Day Time Duration
00~23 mm = start minutes for Day Time Duration 00~59
HH = end hour for Day Time Duration
00~23 MM = end minutes for Day Time Duration 00~59
Related Zones.
Zone 307
(enter required item number)
Default value =
0 1 1 1 1 21 0 0
Range =
as per each item
This Zone allows the programmer to set various functions as listed below:
Item 01: Start Time
The call duration clock will commence timing the call when the CO line is
accessed and this time setting is reached. The time is set as 5 Seconds * this setting number.
0 = 00 Seconds 01 = 05 Seconds 02 = 10 Seconds etc.
Item 02:Rec-Incom
The system will/will not record all incoming calls.
0 = Do not record
1 = Record
Item 03:Rec-Local
Local calls will/will not be recorded.
0 = Do not record
1 = Record
Item 04:Rec-NoAns
Incoming calls that are not answered will/will not be recorded.
0 = Do not record
1 = Record
Item 05:Rec-Title
The Title will/will not be printed.
0 = Do not print title
1 = Print title
Item 06:Title-No
Sets the number of records to be printed before the title is reprinted.
Item 07:Polarity **AV24, AV38, AV256 only** Starts call timer only after a line reversal is received.
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Item 08:SMDR Cabin **AV256 only** This item tells the system which cabinet has the printer or
computer connected to it.
1 = Cabinet 1
2 = Cabinet 2
3 = Cabinet 3
4 = Cabinet 4
Item 08:RS232-2 **AV38 only** This item tells the system which of several options have been provided.
0 = For both Remote and Local programming with optional SMDR printout and/or CND.
RSC slot = A6RSCA
RPC slot = A6RPCA
CND box connects to RS232-1 port.
SMDR printer connects to COM2 port on CND box or to RS232-1 port if no CND is fitted.
Local programming PC connects to RS232-1 port by disconnecting the other device(s).
1 = For 1 x CND box with optional Local only programming and/or SMDR printout.
RSC slot = A6RSCA
RPC slot = A6RSCB (only provided if CND is used).
CND box connects to RS232-2 port.
SMDR printer connects to RS232-1 port.
Local programming PC connects to RS232-1 port by disconnecting the SMDR printer.