Revised by R. Robinson
Issue AV1.13 8 June 2006
Zone 235
System PSW
Default value =
Range =
(0 ~ 1)
This Zone sets the programming ability to the station in the 1
port only.
Related Zones.
Zone 236
Dial Tn Tms
Default value =
Range =
(00 ~ 99)
This Zone has no function in Australia.
Related Zones.
Zone 237
Slt Pulse #*
Default value =
Range =
(0:D ~ 1:E)
This Zone allows or Disallows a decadic (Pulse) SLT to simulate the # and * keys.
0 = Disable. Pulse dialing SLTs cannot use the # and * functions. In this mode of operation, station numbers
may start with 7 and 8.
1 = Enable. Pulse SLTs can simulate the # with digit 7 and the * with digit 8. In this mode of operation station
numbers should not start with 7 and 8.
Note! This zone will disable 81/82 Message Waiting signals.
Related Zones.
Zone 238
DISA Group
Default value =
Range =
(0:D ~ 1:E)
This Zone allows or disallows single digit groups on an incoming DISA line.
NOTE! This is not One Digit Dialing as in
, but allows access to the groups set up in
Related Zones.
Zone 239
DND Disable
Default value =
Range =
(0:D ~ 1:E)
This Zone allows or disallows Do Not Disturb on a system wide basis and can over-ride the DND button.
0 = Disable. The system does have the Do Not Disturb function available.
1 = Enable. The system does
have the Do Not Disturb function available.
Related Zones.
Zone 240
Auto Co Dis.
Default value =
Range =
00 ~ 11 (0:D ~ 1:E)
This Zone allows or disallows the automatic access to a C.O. line by lifting the handset. The function can be
individually toggled by:- SPK, #, 5, 0. (NOTE! Disable means will work & enable means will not work)
This zone will be over-ridden by
. 0=enabled: 1=disabled.
\Hot Line Ability.
This allows or disallows the extension to access a CO line by lifting the handset. This feature can be toggled by
the extension pressing SPK, #, 5, 0
Relay Active Time.
This will keep the relay operated for 8 seconds in lieu of the default 2 seconds. Relays are set in
Door Ringing
This allows a Door (1 or 2) to ring its own group only, or to ring both groups as programmed in