Recommended Gasoline
(EFI Models)
NOTE: The 660 cc models are
not equipped with a fuel designa-
tion connector.
The recommended gasoline to use in
these snowmobiles is 87 minimum
octane regular unleaded, and the
Fuel Designation Connector at the
ECU must be connected. In many
areas, oxygenates (either ethanol or
MTBE) are added to the gasoline.
Oxygenated gasolines containing up
to 10% ethanol or up to 15% MTBE
are acceptable gasolines; however, if
oxygenated gasoline is used, the fuel
designation connector at the ECU
must be disconnected. Do not use
gasolines containing methanol.
NOTE: In order for the ECU to
change modes, the engine must
be OFF when connecting or dis-
connecting the fuel designation
Recommended Injection Oil
The recommended oil to use in the
oil-injection system is Arctic Cat
50:1 Injection Oil (for standard
models) or Arctic Cat Synthetic
APV 2-Cycle Oil (for APV models).
These oils are specially formulated
to be used either as an injection oil
or as a pre-mix oil (for break-in) and
meets all of the lubrication require-
ments of the Arctic Cat snowmobile
Recommended Engine Oil
(660 cc STD)
NOTE: See the accompanying
Specifications sheet for specific
details on recommended engine
The recommended oil to use is a
multi-grade oil calibrated to the
ambient temperature at which the
engine is run. See the viscosity chart
for details.
Do not use white gas or gaso-
line containing methanol. Only
Arctic Cat approved gasoline
additives should be used.
If oxygenated gasoline is to be
used, it is extremely important
that the fuel designation con-
nector at the ECU is discon-
n e c t e d . I f n o t w h e n u s i n g
oxygenated gasoline, severe
engine damage may occur.
Any oil used in place of the rec-
ommended oil could cause seri-
ous engine damage.
Any oil used in place of the rec-
ommended oil may cause seri-
ous damage.