7. Test the throttle control lever by
compressing and releasing it
several times. The lever must
return to the idle position
quickly and completely.
Altitude, temperature, and the use of
oxygenated gasoline affect the car-
buretion needed for optimum engine
performance. The carburetor main
jet(s) must be changed in conjunc-
tion with changes in operating alti-
tude, oxygenated gasoline usage,
and temperature. As the ambient
temperature rises or as the snowmo-
bile is operated at a higher altitude,
the main jet(s) must be replaced with
leaner main jet(s). The original
equipment (production) main jet(s)
may need to be changed (depending
on the type of gasoline you are
using, your operating altitude, and
temperature). A Main Jet Chart
decal is located beneath the hood of
the snowmobile. It should be noted
that when selecting the proper main
jet(s), it is better to be too rich rather
than too lean. To change carburetor
main jet(s), use the following proce-
NOTE: Carburetor main jet(s)
may be changed by the snowmo-
bile owner if qualified to do so. If
the owner does not feel qualified,
take the snowmobile to an autho-
r i z e d A rc t i c C a t S n ow m o b i l e
dealer for this service. This ser-
v i c e i s a t t h e d i s c r e t i o n a n d
e x p e n s e o f t h e s n o w m o b i l e
Changing Main Jet(s) (VM-Style)
1. Loosen each carburetor flange
clamp and remove each carbu-
retor from the intake flange and
2. Remove each drain plug and O-
ring from the carburetor float
chamber and drain the gas into
a small container or shop tow-
DO NOT operate the snowmo-
bile when any component in the
throttle system is damaged,
frayed, kinked, worn, or improp-
erly adjusted. If the snowmobile
is operated when the throttle
system is not functioning prop-
e r l y, p e r s o n a l i n j u r y c o u l d
Use only GENUINE Mikuni brass
main jets. Also, if using an oxy-
genated gasoline (up to 10%
ethanol or up to 15% MTBE), the
carburetor main jet must be one
size larger than the main jet
required for regular unleaded
A main jet which is too small
will cause severe engine dam-
age. Engine damage caused by
lean jetting WILL NOT BE cov-
ered by our warranty policy.
Whenever any maintenance is
performed on the fuel system,
there should be no welding,
smoking, open flames, etc., in
the area.