PDF: 4749051511/Source:7788125767
Aptina reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.
MT9T111_DG - Rev. B 9/10 EN
©2007 Aptina Imaging Corporation. All rights reserved.
MT9T111: Developer Guide
Register Wizard
; For Parallel Output: Checked
; "M" Value: Unspecified
; "N" Value: Unspecified
; Target Pads Clock Frequency: 72 MHz
; Input Clock Frequency: 16 MHz
; Actual Pads Clock Frequency: 72 MHz
; Sensor Core Clock Frequency: 64 MHz
; (using minimum based on image timing requirements)
; SOC Clock Frequency: 48 MHz
; MCU Clock Frequency: 72 MHz
; M = 18
; N = 0
; Fpdf = 16 MHz
; Fvco = 576 MHz
; P2 = 8
; P4 = 9
; P5 = 12
; P6 = 8
; Requested Frames Per Second: 27.500
; Output Columns: 1024
; Output Rows: 768
; JPEG: Unchecked
; Use Binning: Checked
; X-only Binning: Unchecked
; Allow Skipping: Unchecked
; Use Context B Line Time: Unchecked
; Low Power: Unchecked
; Blanking Computation: HB Min then VB
; Max Frame Time: 36.3636 msec
; Max Frame Clocks: 2327272.7 clocks (64 MHz)
; Pixel Clock: divided by 1
; Skip Mode: 2x cols, 2x rows, Bin Mode: Yes
; Horiz clks: 1032 1478 blank = 2510 total
; Vert rows: 776 151 blank = 927 total
; Extra Delay: 502 clocks
; Actual Frame Clocks: 2327272 clocks
; Row Time: 39.219 usec / 2510 clocks
; Frame time: 36.363625 msec
; Frames per Sec: 27.500 fps
; 50Hz Flicker Period: 254.98 lines
; 60Hz Flicker Period: 212.48 lines
; RX Trigger Mark: 20
; OB Trigger Mark: 536