Table of contents
contrAA 600
Edition 01/2014
Table of contents
Basic information ...................................... 4
Intended use .................................................. 4
User manual notes ........................................ 4
Safety instructions .................................... 6
General safety instructions ............................ 6
Warning signs on the contrAA 600 .............. 11
Specification............................................. 13
Technical data ............................................. 13
Data on contrAA 600 ................................... 13
Control computer data ................................. 15
Graphite tube technique data ...................... 15
Data for HydrEA technique accessories ...... 16
Guidelines and standards ............................ 17
Installation conditions ............................. 18
Environmental conditions ............................ 18
Space requirement and weight .................... 19
Energy supply .............................................. 19
Gas supply .................................................. 20
Exhaust unit ................................................. 21
Device layout and space requirement ......... 22
Functions and setup of the contrAA 60024
Physical measuring principle HR-CS AAS ... 24
Xenon lamp ................................................. 26
Electrothermal atomizer ............................... 27
Graphite tube furnace .................................. 28
Gas flows in the graphite tube furnace ........ 29
Radiation sensor.......................................... 31
Furnace camera .......................................... 31
Accessories for the graphite tube technique 32
Autosampler AS-GF .................................... 32
Solid sampler SSA 600 and SSA 6z ............ 33
Supplementary accessories ........................ 34
Installation and start-up .......................... 36
Supply and control connections .................. 36
Setting up the contrAA 600 ......................... 37
Graphite tube technique .............................. 39
Connections in the sample chamber for the
graphite tube technique ............................... 39
Formatting the graphite tube ....................... 43
Cleaning the graphite tube / cleanout.......... 43
Complete and install the AS-GF autosampler44
Installing the AS-GF .................................... 44
Adjusting the AS-GF ................................... 46
Populating the sample tray of the AS-GF .... 48
Uninstalling the autosampler AS-GF ........... 48
Notes on installing the automatic solid
autosampler SSA 600 ................................. 49
Installations for HydrEA operation ............... 50
Starting up the contrAA 600 with accessories52
Care and maintenance ............................. 54
Maintenance overview ................................ 54
Base device ................................................ 55
Replacing the fuses..................................... 55
Cleaning the sample chamber .................... 57
Removing and installing the xenon lamp..... 57
Check the cooling water level ..................... 59
Maintaining the graphite tube furnace ......... 60
Cleaning the furnace windows .................... 60
Cleaning the graphite surfaces ................... 61
Cleaning and changing the graphite tube .... 62
Autosampler AS-GF .................................... 67
Washing the dosing tube ............................. 67
Servicing the dosing tube ............................ 68