Table of contents
Edition 01/2014
contrAA 600
Automatic samplers AS-F, AS-FD ............... 72
Washing the mixing cup of the AS-FD ........ 72
Replacing the canulas and guide on the
autosampler arm ......................................... 72
Replacing the intake tube ............................ 73
Clean-up after cup overflow ......................... 73
Transporting the contrAA 600 ................74
Waste disposal .........................................75
Abbreviations / terms ..............................76
Index ..........................................................78
EC Declaration of Conformity .................80
Index of figures
Warning signs on the contrAA 600 ........... 12
Dimensions of the contrAA 600 - front view22
Dimensions of the contrAA 600 - top view 23
Installation layout of the contrAA 600 ....... 23
Beam path in the contrAA 600 ................. 25
Xenon lamp without housing .................... 26
Graphite tube furnace ............................... 28
Graphite tube furnace ............................... 30
Graphite tube variations ........................... 30
Furnace jacket, adapters and inserts ....... 31
Autosampler AS-GF ................................. 32
Solid sampler............................................ 33
Bar for supply and control connections .... 37
Graphite tube atomizer in sample chamber39
Connections at the graphite tube furnace . 39
Elements in the sample chamber for the
graphite tube technique ............................ 40
Fig. 23"Main Settings" window for graphite tube
technique .................................................. 40
"Furnace / control" window ...................... 41
Installing the AS-GF .................................. 45
Aligning the AS-GF with the furnace using
the set screw and adjusting screw 1 ......... 46
AS-GF adjustment .................................... 47
Attaching holding pin and crossbar to the
AS-GF support in the sample chamber ..... 49
Position of the eccentric roll at the SSA 60049
HydrEA system HS 60 modular ................ 50
Rear of the autosampler AS-FD ................ 51
Safety circuit switch for hardware ............. 57
Xenon lamp housing ................................. 59
Xenon lamp, installed ................................ 59
Furnace tools ............................................ 62
Window "Autosampler / Function tests" in
the ASpect CS software ............................ 68
Dosing tube at the AS-GF ......................... 69
Dosing unit at AS-GF and AS-FD ............. 71