Appendix H – DGX_SHELL Commands
Instruction Manual – Enova DGX 8/16/32/64 Digital Media Switchers
Basic DGX_SHELL Commands (continued)
This command can be used to reboot individual components or the system as a whole.
reboot {abd:iprs}{MCPU}{BCPU|BCPUx|BCPUx:y|BCPUx:y:z}{CENTER
EXPIN refers to the expansion board on the input side of the enclosure; EXPOUT refers to the
expansion board on the output side.
-a ac power cycle
-b backplane reset line
-d delay <seconds>
-f force (suppress prompting)
-i immediate
-p ppic reset line; hardware reboot of the PowerPic - toggle its MCLR (Hardware Master Clear) pin
-r redundant reset (backplane reset line) hardware reboot of all boards except the CPU board -
toggles their MCLR (Hardware Master Clear) pins
-s staged reset
BCPUx x = 1-32 (boardID) where x = 1-32 for Enova DGX 64; x = 1-16 for Enova DGX 32; x = 1-8
for Enova DGX 16; x = 1-4 for Enova 8
BCPUx:y y = 0-3 (channel-hardware order)
BCPUx:y:z z = 0-7 (port)
CENTER use for an Enova DGX 8/16 or to target all centers in an Enova DGX 32/64
CENTERx where x = 1-4 for an Enova DGX 32/64
EXPIN (AIE expansion board in the input section of the enclosure)
EXPINx where x = 1-4 for an Enova DGX 64 (AIE expansion board in input section of enclosure)
EXPOUT (AIE expansion board in the output section of the enclosure)
EXPOUTx where x = 1-4 for an Enova DGX 64 (AIE expansion board in output section of enclosure)
• If no specific targets are chosen, the command will apply to all possible targets.
• If
is selected, a hardware line to all I/O boards is forced low then released, causing the boards to
experience a hard MCLR (Hardware Master Clear).
• If
is selected, in addition to having the main power supplies turned off, a hardware connection to
the PowerPIC is forced low then released, causing the PowerPIC to experience a hard MCLR.