Enova DGX HDMI Boards
Instruction Manual – Enova DGX 8/16/32/64 Digital Media Switchers
Enova DGX HDMI Boards
Applicability Notice
This chapter pertains to the Enova DGX HDMI Input Board and the HDMI Output Board.
FG1058-540 Input board
FG1058-550 Output board
Enova DGX 8
Enova DGX 8 enclosures can hold up to four DGX HDMI Boards with four inputs or outputs per board. Each enclosure
holds a maximum of two input and two output boards, accommodating connector configurations up to a maximum of
8x8, as well as three subsets
(i.e., 4x4, 4x8, or 8x4).
Enova DGX 16
Enova DGX 16 enclosures can hold up to eight DGX HDMI Boards with four inputs or outputs per board. Each
enclosure holds a maximum of four input and four output boards, accommodating connector configurations up to a
maximum of 16x16, as well as subsets
(e.g., 16x8 or 4x12).
Enova DGX 32
Enova DGX 32 enclosures can hold up to sixteen DGX HDMI Boards with four inputs or outputs per board. Each
enclosure holds a maximum of eight input and eight output boards, accommodating connector configurations up to a
maximum of 32x32, as well as subsets in increments of four (e.g., 12x20 or 24x8).
Enova DGX 64
Enova DGX 64 enclosures can hold up to thirty-two DGX HDMI Boards with four inputs or outputs per board. Each
enclosure holds a maximum of sixteen input and sixteen output boards, accommodating connector configurations up to
a maximum of 64x64, as well as subsets in increments of four (e.g., 12x48 or 52x8).
Signal Routing
DGX HDMI Input Boards route signals to DGX HDMI Output Boards or to any other type of Enova DGX Output
Boards. HDMI Output Boards can also accept signals from all of the other types of Enova DGX Boards. When routing
signals between different board types, the Enova DGX Switcher automatically converts the signal format to match the
output board.
Whenever HDMI Input Boards are used with DGX SC Optical Output Boards, the signals are converted to fiber and then
converted by a DGX Receiver before being sent to the destination. Note that DGX SC Optical boards can be used for
non-HDCP signals but do not support HDCP; when HDCP protected video signals are routed to them, the display
provides a dark red image to indicate the authentication process failed.
The HDMI connectors are designed to route high-resolution HDMI or DVI signals with or without HDCP
(High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection). DVI signals must be single link DVI-D and require the use of a cable
adapter. Destinations with DVI-I or single-link DVI-D connectors are supported.
HDMI Boards can also work in conjunction with Audio Insert/Extract Boards (see page 119).
FIG. 41
Enova DGX HDMI Input and Output Boards (Enova DGX 32 shown)