Installation and Setup
Instruction Manual – Enova DGX 8/16/32/64 Digital Media Switchers
Enter the TCP/IP address and an associated description for the connection and verify port number.
Verify that the Automatically Ping . . . option is selected to make sure the Master is initially responding online
before establishing full communication.
If authentication is required for connecting to the Master at this address, enter a previously configured user
name and password (with sufficient rights).
Click OK to close and return to previous dialog box.
Select the new entry within the List of Addresses section.
Click Select to make the new entry the currently used IP Address communication parameter.
Click OK to save the newly entered information and close the dialog box.
In the Master Communication Settings dialog box, click OK to begin the communication process to the Master (and
close the dialog box).
If you are currently connected to the Master, a popup asks whether you would want to stop communication to
the Master and apply the new settings.
Click Yes to interrupt the current communication from the Master and apply the new settings.
Click the OnLine Tree tab in the Workspace window to view the devices on the system. The default System value is
one (1).
Right-click the associated System number and select Refresh System OnLine Tree. This establishes a new
connection to the specified system and populates the list with devices on that system. The communication method is
then highlighted in green at the bottom of the NetLinx Studio window.
Troubleshooting the Connection
If the connection fails to establish, a Connection Failed dialog box appears.
Try selecting a different IP Address.
Click Retry to reconnect using the same communication parameters.
Click Change to alter your communication parameters and repeat the steps above.
For the following procedure, the PC must be on the same subnet (e.g., 192.168.X.X) as the
Troubleshooting the