13. Trouble-shooting
Check the programming by means of ´
´ (see Manual 6.2.3).
Test the transmit line by entering a cycle using command ´
check in the display.
Test the receive line by pressing
and check in the display.
Data transmission in the network does not function.
Check to ensure that all devices are set to different addresses.
Address all devices individually via the terminal with command ´
Addressed device is OK if at least ´
y CR
´ is returned as echo.
If transmission is still not possible, unplug the networked devices.
Check all devices individually on the data cable to the computer; (see
Check the wiring for short-circuit or crossed wires.
Are all network distributors supplied with power ?
Network the devices again one at a time and check successively; (see
If, after performing the above-listed checks and remedial steps, the device still
fails to behave as described in the operating instructions, it must be returned
to our factory in Holzkirchen, accompanied by an explanatory note, error de-
scription, and if available test printouts. With the AMR-Control software you
can print out screen-shots with the relevant programming and save and / or
print out a comprehensive ´function test´ in the device list or terminal opera-
Ahlborn Mess- und Regelungstechnik GmbH declares herewith that measuring
instrument ALMEMO
5690-2M carries the CE label and complies in full with
the requirements of EU directives relating to low voltage and to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) (89/336/EWG). The following standards have been applied
in evaluating the product.
Safety / security:
EN 61010-1:2001
EN 61326: 2006
If a product is modified in any manner not agreed with us
in advance, this declaration becomes void.
When using the sensor with an extension care must be taken to ensure that
wiring is not laid alongside or close to high-voltage power cables and that it is, if
necessary, properly shielded so as to prevent spurious interference being in-
duced in the system.
The following advisory notes must be observed when operating the device :
Using the device in strong electromagnetic fields may aggravate measuring er-
rors (<50 µV at 3 V/m and 1.5 meters thermocouple sensor). After expo-
sure to such irradiation ceases, the device will again operate within its tech-
nical specifications.