Output modules
0: Alarm if any one channel of all channels is faulty
0: Summated alarm
2: Alarm for a programmable channel
2: Assigned internally
3: Alarm, if one limit value - max. of all is overshot
3: Summated alarm - max
4: Alarm, if one limit value - min. of all is undershot
4: Summated alarm - mini
8: Relay driven via interface or keypad :
8: Driven externally
Variant 2 "Assigned internally" also requires
the assignment of relays
to cer-
tain limit values; (see 12.4.3).
For the purposes of
detecting power failure
it is an advantage if relays are
driven on an inverted basis because in the absence of current an alarm status
applies automatically. The function variants are therefore also provided on an
inverted basis.
Inverted relay control
e.g. variant 2 inverted :
-2: Assigned internally - Inverted
activation mode
and actual
contact status
resulting from relay type and
driving mode are displayed in the next line.
Activation mode
relay contact status
:Status : active open
Relay variant 8 "Driven externally" permits manual activation of the relays
via the keypad or via the interface; (see Manual 6.10.10).
Relay variant 8:
8: Driven externally
For manual activation of relays press :
The bottom line of this menu is for the function
. If the signal needed
to drive the measuring instrument or any driven relay, normally received via the
interface, is affected by a failure that persists for one minute, the watchdog
function ensures that all relays drop out. In the event of an alarm, in ´
´, next to ´
´, a flashing ´
´ symbol will appear.
To switch the watchdog function ON press
To switch the watchdog function OFF press
Trigger inputs
For the purpose of controlling the measuring
sequence all V6 output modules incorporate 2
trigger inputs at ports 8 and 9.
On the RTA3 in particular the trigger source
´key´ and / or ´optocoupler´ can be defined by
pressing keys
... and
or the trigger function can, for safety reasons,
be disabled altogether by means of "OFF"..
The following trigger functions
can be programmed as function variants :
0: Start / stop a measuring operation
0: Start - Stop
1: Once-only manual measuring point scan
1: Once-only scan
2: Clear all maximum / minimum values
2: Clear max. / min. values
socket: A2 ZA 8006 RTA3
port: 8 Adr.:28
Trigger: key+Optocoupler
0: start-stop