Measured value memory
ning modes available :
Internal cycle or cyclic scanning by the computer
Internal cycle only, automatically switching off for long-term monitoring
Internal cycle, not disturbed by computer scanning
Cyclic sc
anning by the PC, after any failure affecting the internal cy-
Sleep mode
For long-term monitoring involving large measuring cycles the system can also
be operated in sleep mode. In energy-saving sleep mode the measuring instru-
ment is completely switched off after each measuring point scan please note
when using sensors with power supply) and switched on again automatically af-
ter the cycle expires ready for the next measuring point scan. In this way with
just one set of batteries or one battery recharge up to 15000 measuring point
scans can be performed; for a cycle lasting 10 minutes this represents a mea-
suring capability of over 100 days.
data recording in sleep mode
go to the menu
Recording to memory
take the following steps :
1. Enter a cycle lasting at least 2 minutes
Cycle : 00:05:00 S
2. Activate saving in this cycle
Normal: -
3. Select sleep mode
Saving: Ø Sleep:
4. To switch sleep mode on press
5. In a measuring menu start a measuring operation
by pressing
The device should then display
Sleep On
´ (2) flashes
The display then switches off; the LED ´
´ (2) flashes rhythmically on
and off as verification.
6. In the specified cycle the instrument switches on automatically, performs
one measuring point scan, and then switches off again.
7. To terminate sleep mode press
8. To terminate the measuring operation press
The start or stop through start and end time or through limit values
is, on principle, not possible in sleep mode and, therefore, must be
switched off!
Monitor mode
This new "monitor mode" should be used when a data logger, being operated
on a cyclic basis, is to be monitored occasionally by computer. Internal cyclic
scanning is not influenced in any way by software scanning; (in Win-Control
"safe initialization" must be switched off).
The internal cycle is started as and when the software starts; it may also have
been started previously. When scanning with the internal cycle no data is out-
put to the interface. In order to record data the memory must have been acti-