9. Relay trigger analog module
The universal trigger output interface specially provided for ALMEMO
systems is relay trigger analog module ES 5690-RTA5 with up to 10 interface
elements (4 semiconductor relays and 2 trigger inputs as standard but option-
ally up to 10 semiconductor relays or 10 electrically isolated analog outputs).
Up to maximum 7 modules can be simply plugged into a free slot, preferably
after the measuring inputs; they will be detected and recognized automatically
as soon as the system is powered up. All 10 interface elements of each mod -
ule can in the ´
Output modules
´ menu be individually selected and configured
as ports P0 to P9. (see 12.6.2)
9.1 Power supply
The adapter is supplied with a voltage of 9 to 12 VDC via the system itself. In
the standard version the maximum requirement is 20 mA. It is only with op-
tional analog outputs. in particular with electric current outputs, that the maxi-
mum supply current per module must be observed. (see 9.3)
9.2 Interface elements and options
Sockets P0/1 and P2/3 are fitted as standard with four semiconductor relays,
normally open type; socket P8/9 is fitted as standard with two trigger inputs.
Option OA 8006-OH2 provides each relay pair with two additional semiconduc-
tor relays, normally closed type.
Option OA 8006-SH2 can be used in each case to retrofit two further relays (up
to maximum 10), including ALMEMO
clamp connectors.
Option OA 8006-R02 can be used to equip the sockets - initially P4/5 and P6/7
but subsequently also all others - with analog outputs 0 to 10 V or 0 to 20 mA