Instrument and Options - Agilent 8164A
Agilent 8163A Lightwave Multimeter, Agilent 8164A Lightwave Measurement System, & Agilent 8166A Lightwave
Multichannel System, Fourth Edition
The Agilent 8164A Lightwave Measurement System can be used with the
following modules in addition to all the modules listed in “HP 8153A Lightwave
Multimeter Modules” on page 231.
Each Optical Head listed above, must be used with one of the following Optical
Head Interface modules:
Tunable Laser Source Modules
Model No.
Agilent 81680A
Tunable Laser for the Test of Critical dense-WDM Com-
Agilent 81682A
Tunable Laser for the Test of Optical Amplifiers and Pas-
sive Components
Agilent 81689A
Compact Tunable Laser for Multichannel Test Applica-
Agilent 81640A
Tunable Laser for the Test of Critical Components in both
dense-WDM Bands
Power Sensor Modules
Model No.
Agilent 81632A
Sensor InGaAs, -80 dBm
Agilent 81633A
Power Sensor, -90 dBm
Agilent 81634A
Power Sensor, -110 dBm
Agilent 81635A
Dual Sensor InGaAs, -80 dBm
Optical Heads
Model No.
Agilent 81623A
Ge Head, -80 dBm
Agilent 81624A
InGaAs Head, -90 dBm
Agilent 81625A
High Power Head, -80 dBm
Optical Head Interfaces
Model No.
Agilent 81618A
Single Channel Interface
Agilent 81619A
Dual Channel Interface
Accessories for Optical Heads
Model No.
Agilent 81624CE
Head extension cable (4 m)
Agilent 81624DD
D-shape head adapter (magnetic)