Press the LEFT button once to preview the SSD-66's address. If you have the SSD-66 on
zone one, the SSD-66 address should read "ADA BUS 00".
To change the SSD-66's address repeated pressing of the LEFT button will advance the
SSD-66 through its addresses. If you passed the desired address, repeated pressing of
the REAR button will scroll the SSD-66 back through its addresses.
When the SSD-66 is programmed with the correct address, press the MODE button to
exit the "SETUP MODES" or simply let the SSD-66 automatically time-out of the setup
Having both programmed the Delta-88 and the SSD-66, the keypad should operate the SSD-
66. If the keypad is not controlling or reading the SSD-66, check the following.
SSD-66 to Delta-88 Trouble-Shooting - Checking the Keypad
If the keypads do not respond or feedback information from the SSD-66 and the address
settings are correct, you will want to make certain that the MC-3000 or MC-3800 did in fact
program from the Delta-88 as discussed in section 1, steps 9 and 10. To check the keypad follow
these steps.
On the keypad, press and hold the SHIFT button until the words "ENTER CODE"
Enter the program code 1-8-6-7 using the keypad's source buttons (1-8, left to right). The
numbers will appear on the keypad as the appropriate source button is pressed. If you
pressed in a wrong number, continue typing in the correct number as the enter code
function only scrolls through the four access code numbers.
Press the SHIFT button again. The keypad will indicate that access to the program mode
has been granted by displaying "PROGRAM MODE". Please note, that the keypad will
automatically time-out of the program mode if no buttons are pressed over a five second
interval. If this occurs you will need to repeat step 2.
Press the BASS UP (or MODE - home theater keypads) button until "CHECK SETUP"
Press the ROOM OFF button. The display will read the keypad's room status which for
a home theater should be "DELTA88/SSD66".
If the display reads "DELTA-88" or anything other than "DELTA88/SSD66", the programming
initiated in section 1, steps 9 and 10 did not take. If the Delta-88 was incorrectly programmed,
then you will also need to repeat steps 1-8 of this section.
SSD-66 to Delta-88 Trouble-Shooting - Checking the Wiring.
Most commonly, if you have programmed the SSD-66 and Delta-88 correctly and have verified
that the keypad has been programmed, you will need to check the wiring of the SSD-66 to its
BI-3000 and the BI-3000 to the WH-3000. You may want to switch the wire running from the
BI-3000 to the WH-3000 to another open WH-3000 J3-J10 connector.