name from the Delta-88. As you change sources, the keypad's display should read the
new source name. If the names do not match the names on the keypad's buttons, you
most likely will need to change the labeling of the source names or move the buttons
around. This is discussed under "Labeling Sources on the Delta-88".
Press the Room Off button and the keypad should again display ALL OFF. If you are
adding a keypad to the system, the new keypad's buttons may not match the existing
source configuration. Buttons easily pop off and can be moved or replaced. Contact
ADA if you require new source buttons.
2 - Turning a Keypad's IR Receiver Off if Operation is Sluggish
If the keypad is an indoor MC-3000 or MC-3800 wall or table top control, system control may
seem sluggish if the keypad is receiving IR interference from direct sunlight, infrared motion
sensors, or incandescent lamps. Tabletop keypads are usually shipped with their IR receivers
turned off. If you are experiencing possible interference, follow these steps to make certain the
keypad's IR receiver is turned off.
Press and hold the SHIFT button until the words "ENTER CODE" appear.
Type in the numbers "1-1-1-2" by using the source buttons 1-8 (one being the first source
on the left and 8 being the first source to the right).
Press SHIFT button again. If the keypad's IR were on, the keypads display should read
"INFRARED OFF". If it were off, the same code would turn it on. During system setup,
ADA suggests turning all keypad IRs off as the keypad is added to the system. This will
prevent unnecessary data from building up on the ADA Bus.
3 - If the Keypad is Operating the Delta-88 But Not the Correct Room
If the keypad operates a room on the Delta-88 but this appears to be the wrong room, you will
need to reprogram the keypad to operate the correct room. If the keypad is an MC-3011 Decora
Control, the keypad's room designator is set by a set of eight DIP switches located on the
keypads circuit board. To set the MC-3011 DIP switches, see the Appendix on the MC-3011.
If the keypad is an MC-3000 or MC-3800, the setting of the keypad's room address is done in
software directly on the keypad. Thus the control need not be unmounted from the wall such
as the MC-3011. To change an MC-3000 or MC-3800 room address, follow these steps.
Press and hold the SHIFT button until the words "ENTER CODE" appear.
Type in the numbers "1-8-6-7" by using the source buttons 1-8 (one being the first source
on the left and 8 being the first source to the right).
Press the SHIFT button again. The keypad will read "PROGRAM MODE".
Press the TREBLE UP button to advance the keypad's display to read the next room
name and its status or the TREBLE DN button to go back to the previous room and its
status. If the keypad is designed to operate a home theater, the TIME DELAY button
sits in place of the TREBLE UP button and the MONO ENHAN button sits in place of
the TEBLE DN button. Please note, if the keypad does not display either NEXT ROOM
or PREVIOUS ROOM, the keypad has automatically timed out of the program mode.