VS-3 As Scrolling Input Selector
In a standard Delta System configuration, the maximum number of source inputs, audio or
audio/video, is eight sources. To expand the input capabilities for whole-house distribution
of central sources, the VS-3 A/V Switcher is utilized. Typically, the VS-3 will expand the
system's source routing capabilities by adding an additional seven inputs to the system. Please
note, that while the VS-3 has eight inputs, the inclusion of a VS-3 will occupy a source input
on the Delta-88 leaving space for up to seven sources directly connected to the Delta-88.
The VS-3 is typically used for video sources and can route as many as eight video sources.
These sources can be selected and controlled individually and simultaneously all through the
house. This does however limit the central system to only seven audio sources. The seven
audio sources are directly accessed by pressing their respective button on the ADA keypad.
The eighth source button is labeled VIDEO. When selected, the VS-3 will turn on and the
keypad will display the name of the source currently routed to that room's TV (up to four
alphanumeric characters). The keypad's transport functions will operate the selected source
if an additional PCT-8 is used for control of the video sources. Every time the VIDEO button
is pressed, the VS-3 will advance to the next video source and display that source's name on
the keypad. Again, the keypad's transport functions will operate the newly selected source.
Since a single VS-3 has a total of three independent outputs, one VS-3 can provide independent
video source selection to up to three zones.
Video Option 1 - Use of one VS-3 to provide independent A/V selection to only three rooms.
When using only one VS-3, up to three separate zones can select their own video source
independently of the two other rooms. The video sources are accessed by repeatedly pressing
the VIDEO button and cycling through eight sources. Using a PCT-8 and ACC-3000 specifi-
cally for the video sources, these sources can turn on as needed and be fully controlled from
the keypads transport buttons. As with most ADA Bus™ components, both the VS-3, PCT-8,
and ACC-3000 (check with ADA as to the status of the ACC-3000's programming), have
specific addresses to be used when the VS-3 acts as a scrolling input selector. When using only
one VS-3 with a PCT-8, the first alternate VS-3 address, "00" should be used. To set the VS-3
address see the VS-3 Manual. The corresponding PCT-8 address when the VS-3 is on address
"00" is PCT-8 address "03". When these two devices are set to these addresses, the VS-3 can be
can be used as a scrolling input selector and the PCT-8 will control the selected source. It is
important to note, that source #1 on the VS-3 will be controlled by PCT-8 output #1. VS-3
source #2 will be controlled by PCT-8 output #2, and so on. The keypads for rooms accessing
the VS-3 will also require special programming such that the VIDEO button on zone #1's
keypad will access the VS-3's first output, while the VIDEO button on zone #2's keypad
accesses the VS-3's second output, and the VIDEO button on zone #3's keypad access the VS-
3's third output. Naturally, the choice of which zones access which VS-3's outputs is totally
open and zones one, two, and three are only used as an example.
The programming, discussed in detail in upcoming sections, is one of the last levels of system
programmingand is done locally at the keypad location. Basically, as with any source button
on the keypad, each source button is programmed as an MT-3000 Tuner or PCT-8 port. Thus
when that source is selected, the transport buttons talk to the appropriate tuner module or
source port on the PCT-8. Since the VS-3 appears as a source on the system (it is controlled by
a source button {the VIDEO button}), the keypads with a VIDEO button will need to be told