The Delta System is capable of incorporating up to 32 Delta-88s for a total of 256 rooms/zones.
While most Delta Systems won't incorporate this many zones, most Delta Systems will
included more zones than a single Delta-88 can house. Remember, if you are:
Including a VSM-8 Video Switching Module
Including RBM-50 Bass Amp Cards which track another RAM-50 Room Card
Slave one or more RAM-50s off of another RAM-50
Any combination of the above
a single Delta-88 will not operate a complete eight zones. If you are combining any of the above
options in a single Delta-88, each option will limit the number of actual room cards (zones) the
said Delta-88 will provide.
As you determine your system's requirements using the above options, you will be able to
determine the actual number of Delta-88s you will require. When using more than one Delta-
88, a special flat 34 pin ribbon cable is provided by ADA that connects each Delta together. This
flat ribbon cable provides two levels of information.
It tells the several Delta-88s that the system is on or in an "All Off" mode.
It passes line-level audio (balanced) from the primary Delta-88 to all other Delta-88s.
Thus, the flat 34 pin ribbon cable is essential for proper system operation when more than one
Delta-88 is used. This cable is included with the system. When expanding an existing Delta
System, you will need to specify that the new Delta-88 components are being connected to an
existing Delta System. For add-ons, a special extension cable is provided.
Please note, that when using more than one Delta-88, all additional Delta-88s will not include
the AIB-8 Audio Input Board (line-level source audio inputs). Thus you will not need to split
the source line-level audio outputs to all Delta-88s. If you are using several Delta-88s, many
of which have the VSM-8 Video Switching Module, the sources' video signals will need to feed
all Delta-88's with VSM-8s. You can use the ISO-V to split the video sources' composite outputs
to multiple VSM-8s.
System Bus Wiring - Multiple Delta-88s