Installation of ADA Keypads
Most ADA Keypads are provided on a custom plate which is 1/8" thick. Typically, screws
provided with these plates are 1" long. The plates do not provide any play once installed. It
is therefore essential that the box in which the keypad is mounted into is completely square.
If the box is even slightly off-angle, the keypad, once installed will appear crooked.
Furthermore, the box used, should be checked against a
keypad to make certain that the keypad and circuit board
will fit into the box. The box should be close to flush with the
surface of the wall but should not extend beyond the surface
of the wall. The plate should rest flush on top of the wall. The
dimension of an MC-3000's circuit board (double gang key-
pad) 3.5" wide by 2.8 inches tall and will fit some double-
gang masonry boxes but may not fit all types. For MC-3000
OD All Weather Outdoor Keypads (triple gang keypad),
ADA suggests using a watertight masonry box such as the Mulberry 30601.
When installing a keypad, be extremely careful with the handling of the plate and screws. The
plates can easily be scratched if handled improperly.
When wiring the ADA Bus™ to a keypad, you can remove the 4 pin screw terminal connector
from the keypad's circuit board and first connect the wire to the connector. The shield (or
ground) wire is typically completely exposed (without a jacket) and will require taping. This
protection will prevent the ground wire from making contact with circuit board traces once the
keypad is installed. Since the other three of the wires are not exposed when they are inserted
into the connector, they will not require taping.