Appendix G
Delta System Remote Function Layout
The Delta System has its own IR remote control which can be used to control the system by
aiming the remote at either the Delta-88, MC-3000, or IRT-3000 (providing that the Delta-88 &
MC-3000 have their IR receiver on). The Delta-88 Remote control will not work for any room
if the Delta-88 has been configured for "DELTA ONLY" (See "Delta-88 Congfiguration").
The Delta Remote is not a learning remote and can only control source selection and acoustical
control to all three zones as well as transport control of ADA's MT-3000 Multi-Tuner. It cannot
control or learn IR codes from other source components. The IR codes from the Delta-88
Remote can be taught to other learning remotes. Since the IR codes have slightly longer than
normal IR strings, the codes may not take on all programmable IR remote controls.
The Delta-88 Remote can control the first three zones of the Delta-88. Since all Delta System
IR receivers funnel onto a common wire, the ADA Bus™, it is the Delta-88 Remote which first
tells the Delta-88 which zone you wish to control. To make certain that any functions you
perform activate on the correct zone, make certain to first press the appropriate "Room" button.
Therefore, if you are in zone one, press the "Room 1" button prior to making an AV selection.
Once you have pressed the "Room 1" button, the Delta Remote will remember to send out IR
codes specific to room one and you should not have to press the "Room 1" button again. If you
find yourself pressing buttons without any response, repress the "Room" button for the zone
you are in.
To turn on a room, press the desired "AV" button. "AV 1" through "AV 8" correspond to the
eight possible Delta-88sources as they are plugged into the Delta-88. To turn off a room, briefly
press the "Off" button. To reset the entire system to off, press the "Off" button again.
To control the MT-3000's transport function, you must first press the appropriate "Tuner"
button. In most installations, the MT-3000's "Tuner" buttons correspond to the Delta-88
Remotes "AV" buttons. Therefore, if you are listening to the MT-3000 on "AV 1", you must first
press "Tuner 1" in order to control the MT-3000's Tuner Module you are listening to. If you are
pressing MT-3000 buttons and nothing is happening, repress the appropriate "Tuner" button.
The diagrams on the following pages indicate the functions available on the Delta-88 Remote
for controlling a standard room and also a room that is a home theater using ADA's SSD-66
Surround Sound Decoder. While the IR codes are the same for either a Delta-88's acoustical
control section and an SSD-66, it is the Delta-88 which knows to block out the acoustical control
signals for zones which are using an SSD-66. Two overlays are available for the Delta-88
Remote. One overlay has the labels for control of a Delta-88's acoustical section (or preampli-
fier stage) and the second is for control of an SSD-66.