If your phone is not configured correctly, the App will be in "Alarms
Unavailable" state and you will not be able to check your glucose or
receive any alarms, including the Urgent Low Glucose Alarm.
To turn on Critical Alerts, and Bluetooth, follow the instructions in
the App.
If you adjust the phone ringer volume to silent or use the phone Do
Not Disturb setting, keep ‘Override Do Not Disturb’ setting in the
App ON for Low Glucose, High Glucose, and Signal Loss alarms to
ensure you receive audible alarms.
You should disconnect headphones or speakers from your phone
when you are not using them as you may not hear audio for alarms.
If using headphones, keep them in your ears.
If you are using peripheral devices connected to your phone, such
as wireless headphones or a smartwatch, you may receive alarms on
only one device or peripheral, not all.
Keep your phone well charged and turned on.
Disable your phone’s automatic operating system updates. After
an operating system update, open your App and check your device
settings to make sure it’s working properly.