If you restart your phone, open your App to make sure it’s working
Glucose alarms you receive do not include your glucose reading so you
must scan your Sensor to check your glucose.
The App will ask for phone permissions which are needed to receive
alarms. Allow these permissions when requested.
Check to make sure that you have the correct phone settings and
permissions enabled. If your phone is not configured properly, you will
not be able to use the App, so you will not receive alarms or be able to
check your glucose.
In the phone settings, keep Bluetooth
In the phone settings for the App, allow the App to access Bluetooth
In the phone settings for the App under Notifications, keep Allow
Critical Alerts
If your phone is not configured correctly, the App will be in "Alarms
Unavailable" state and you will not be able to check your glucose or
receive any alarms, including the Urgent Low Glucose Alarm.
To turn on Critical Alerts and Bluetooth, follow the instructions in the