Symptoms Don’t Match Readings
There may be times when your symptoms don’t match your Sensor
glucose readings. For example, you are feeling shaky, sweaty, and dizzy–
symptoms you generally get when you have low glucose, but your
glucose reading is within your target range. When symptoms don’t match
readings, do a blood glucose test and treat based on that result. Don’t
ignore symptoms that may be due to low or high blood glucose.
If you’re the caregiver, pay attention to times when the symptoms of the
one you’re caring for don’t match their Sensor glucose readings. When
symptoms don’t match readings, do a blood glucose test and treat based
on that result.
When to do Nothing and Scan Again Later
Your health care professional can help you understand when doing
nothing and scanning again later is the right treatment decision. For
example, if your glucose is high and going up, your first instinct may be to
take more insulin to lower your glucose, however depending on when you
last took insulin or your recent activity, the right treatment decision may
be to do nothing and scan again later.
Don’t take a correction dose within 2 hours of your meal dose. This may
result in “insulin stacking” and low glucose.