Other considerations
Deciding how much rapid-acting insulin to take for different meals and
situations can be difficult. Work with your health care professional to
discuss different situations and what might work best for you. Here are
some questions to consider:
Meal dosing
• What do you do if your before meal glucose is high?
• What do you do if your before meal glucose is low?
• How much time do you wait to eat after taking your meal insulin?
• Do you adjust the amount of meal insulin based on the number of carbs
or how much you are planning to eat?
• Do you adjust your meal insulin dose for high fat foods such as pizza?
• Do you know how to adjust your insulin doses when drinking alcoholic
High glucose corrections
• Do you take extra insulin if your glucose is high?
• How do you decide how much insulin to take for a high glucose?
• How long do you wait between insulin doses to avoid insulin stacking?