What to know about charging your Reader:
Be sure to select a location for charging that allows the power adapter
to be easily unplugged. Do NOT block access to the charger due to the
potential risk of electrical shock.
The maximum surface temperature of the Reader and/or the power
adapter could go as warm as 120 °F when it's charging or 117 °F
during normal use. Under these conditions, do not hold the Reader
or the power adapter for five minutes or more. People with disorders
of peripheral circulation or sensation should use caution at this
Interfering Substances
Taking ascorbic acid (vitamin C) supplements while wearing the Sensor
may falsely raise Sensor glucose readings. Taking more than 500 mg of
ascorbic acid per day may affect the Sensor readings which could cause
you to miss a severe low glucose event. Ascorbic acid can be found in
supplements including multivitamins. Some supplements, including cold
remedies such as Airborne® and Emergen-C®, may contain high doses of
1000 mg of ascorbic acid and should not be taken while using the Sensor.
See your health care professional to understand how long ascorbic acid is
active in your body.