Use only FreeStyle Precision Neo test strips. Other test strips may
produce inaccurate results.
Read all the instructions in this section. Failure to follow
instructions may cause incorrect blood glucose results. Practice the
testing procedures before using the Reader’s built-in meter.
Read the test strip instructions for use before performing your first
blood glucose test as they contain important information. They
also let you know how to store and handle the test strips and give
you information about sample types.
The Reader’s built-in meter is not for use on people who
are dehydrated, hypotensive, in shock, or for individuals in
hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar state, with or without ketosis.
The Reader’s built-in meter is not for use on neonates, in critically-ill
patients, or for diagnosis or screening of diabetes.
Follow your health care professional’s advice when testing blood
glucose levels.
Severe dehydration (excessive water loss) may cause false low test
strip results. If you believe you are suffering from dehydration,
consult your health care professional right away.