• Before you use your System, review all the product instructions
and the Interactive Tutorial at www.FreeStyleLibre.com. The Quick
Reference Guide and Interactive Tutorial give you quick access to
important aspects and limitations of the System. The User’s Manual
includes all safety information and instructions for use. Refer to your
iPhone instructions for use for how to use your iPhone.
• Go to www.FreeStyleLibre.com to view the “Tips for Kids".
• Talk to your health care professional about how you should use your
Sensor glucose information to help manage your diabetes.
• During the first 12 hours of Sensor wear the
symbol will display,
and you cannot use Sensor values to make treatment decisions
during this time. Confirm Sensor glucose readings with a blood
glucose test before making treatment decisions during the first 12
hours of Sensor wear when you see the
When opening your Sensor Kit and Reader Kit, check that the contents
are undamaged and that you have all parts listed. If any parts are missing
or damaged, contact Customer Service. Customer Service is available at
1-855-632-8658 7 Days a Week from 8AM to 8PM Eastern Standard Time.
FreeStyle Libre 2 app is available for download from the App Store.