ABB i-bus® KNX
Max. manual reduction in heating mode via KNX
This parameter is used to define the value by which the setpoint
Comfort heating can be reduced as a
maximum. The reduction is made via one of the following group objects, depending on the selection in
the parameter
Data point type, manual setpoint adjustment
Request setpoint adjustment (master)
Request setpoint adjustment (master)
Request setpoint adjustment (master)
The limitation will become active when the device receives a value that is larger than the value set here. If
the limitation is active, the maximum reduction is confirmed via one of the following group objects, de-
pending on the selection in the parameter
Data point type, manual setpoint adjustment
Confirm setpoint adjustment (master)
Confirm setpoint adjustment (master)
Confirm setpoint adjustment (master)
0 … 3 … 9 K
Prerequisites for visibility
\ Option
Controller channel
\ Parameter
room control unit to physical device input a
\ Option
• The parameter is in the parameter window
Max. manual reduction in cooling mode via KNX
This parameter is used to define the value by which the setpoint
Comfort cooling can be reduced as a
maximum. The reduction is made via one of the following group objects, depending on the selection in
the parameter
Data point type, manual setpoint adjustment
Request setpoint adjustment (master)
Request setpoint adjustment (master)
Request setpoint adjustment (master)
The limitation will become active when the device receives a value that is larger than the value set here. If
the limitation is active, the maximum reduction is confirmed via one of the following group objects, de-
pending on the selection in the parameter
Data point type, manual setpoint adjustment
Confirm setpoint adjustment (master)
Confirm setpoint adjustment (master)
Confirm setpoint adjustment (master)
0 … 3 … 9 K
Prerequisites for visibility
\ Option
Controller channel
\ Parameter
room control unit to physical device input a
\ Option
• The parameter is in the parameter window
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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