ABB i-bus® KNX
Example 1:
Temperature difference from basic-stage heating: 2 K
Setpoint temperature: 23 °C
Actual temperature: 19 °C
Additional stage is active until the actual temperature reaches 21 °C.
Example 2:
Temperature difference from basic-stage heating: 2 K
Setpoint temperature: 23 °C
Actual temperature: 22 °C
Additional stage is inactive as long as the actual temperature is above 21 °C.
0.0 … 2.0 … 25.5 K
Prerequisites for visibility
– Parameter
Controller channel
– Parameter
Basic-stage heating [controller]
all options except
– Parameter
all options except
• The parameter is in the parameter window
parameter window
Temperature difference from basic-stage cooling
This parameter is used to define the actual temperature up to which additional-stage cooling is active.
The temperature value is specified as a difference from the setpoint temperature.
Additional-stage cooling is switched on when the difference between the setpoint temperature and ac-
tual temperature is greater than or equal to the value set here.
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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