ABB i-bus® KNX
Device functions
The following device functions for each channel are available for activating floor heating systems, radia-
tors and cooling ceilings:
• Controller channel
• Actuator channel
The four device channels are independent of each other. It is possible to control four different rooms.
Controller channel
The internal controller is activated in the function as a controller channel. The controller is used to
process the data received at the inputs (actual values) or via the bus (ABB i-bus® KNX) (actual values, set-
points and operating mode changes). The control values are calculated from the data received and trans-
mitted to the outputs.
Actuator channel
The internal controller is deactivated in the function as an actuator channel. The control values for acti-
vating the outputs are calculated by an external controller and received via the bus (ABB i-bus® KNX).
Software functions
Functional overview
Valve activation
The following valve drives can be activated using the valve drive controller VC/S:
• Thermoelectric Valve Drives (2-point)
• Magnetic valve drives (2-point)
Manual operation on the device is additionally possible with the following product variants:
• VC/S 4.2.1
Safety mode
The safety mode is an operating state triggered by the device if cyclical monitoring is activated and the
following errors or faults are present:
Fault: actual temperature
The following actions will be performed if no valid temperature is measured at the input for longer than
one minute:
• Group object
Fault Actual temperature (master)
is set to "Error"
becomes valid
If no value is received on the group object
set time interval (→ parameter
Time interval for cyclical monitoring
), the following actions are carried
• Group object
Fault Actual temperature (master)
is set to "Error"
Control value after exceeding monitoring time
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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