ABB i-bus® KNX
Group object name
Data point
Confirm On/Off (master)
Channel X – Controller
DPT 1.001
1 bit
This group object sends the control status on the bus (ABB i-bus® KNX).
Telegram value:
1 = Control active (On)
0 = Control inactive (Off)
If a slave is used:
This group object must be connected to the corresponding group object of the slave to ensure the functionality of master/slave operation.
Prerequisites for visibility
\ Option
Controller channel
Setpoint display (master)
Channel X – Controller
DPT 9.002
2 bytes
This group object sends the current setpoint on the bus (ABB i-bus® KNX).
This group object can be used for synchronization between the controller (master) and the slave as well.
Telegram value:
-273 … 670760 K
If a slave is used:
This group object must be connected to the corresponding group object of the slave to ensure the functionality of master/slave operation.
Prerequisites for visibility
\ Option
Controller channel
Request setpoint adjustment (master)
Channel X – Controller
DPT 9.001
2 bytes
This group object is used to receive a setpoint adjustment via the bus (ABB i-bus® KNX).
The setpoint adjustment must lie withing the permitted setpoint range; see following parameters:
Max. manual increase in heating mode via KNX
Max. manual reduction in heating mode via KNX
Max. manual increase in cooling mode via KNX
Max. manual reduction in cooling mode via KNX
If the required temperature is outside the permitted setpoint range, the maximum/minimum possible value is set. The master device checks the value received and
returns the set value via group object Confirm setpoint adjustment (master) [DPT 9.001].
The data point type of the group object depends on the setting in the parameter
Data point type, manual setpoint adjustment
Telegram value:
10 … 40 °C
If a slave is used:
This group object must be connected to the corresponding group object of the slave to ensure the functionality of master/slave operation.
Prerequisites for visibility
\ Option
Controller channel
Connect analog room control unit to physical device input a
Data point type, manual setpoint adjustment
DPT 9.001 (absolute temperature value)
Request setpoint adjustment (master)
Channel X – Controller
DPT 9.002
2 bytes
This group object is used to receive a setpoint adjustment via the bus (ABB i-bus® KNX).
The setpoint adjustment must lie withing the permitted setpoint range; see following parameters:
Max. manual increase in heating mode via KNX
Max. manual reduction in heating mode via KNX
Max. manual increase in cooling mode via KNX
Max. manual reduction in cooling mode via KNX
If the required temperature is outside the permitted setpoint range, the maximum/minimum possible value is set. The master device checks the value received and
returns the set value via group object Confirm setpoint adjustment (master) [DPT 9.002].
The data point type of the group object depends on the setting in the parameter
Data point type, manual setpoint adjustment
Telegram value:
-9 … 9 K
If a slave is used:
This group object must be connected to the corresponding group object of the slave to ensure the functionality of master/slave operation.
Prerequisites for visibility
\ Option
Controller channel
Connect analog room control unit to physical device input a
Data point type, manual setpoint adjustment
DPT 9.002 (relative temperature value)
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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