ACH580 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
ACH580 E-Clipse Bypass
Refer to the
ACH580-01 Firmware manual
for programming instructions.
Primary Settings and E-Clipse Bypass Not to be used to configure parameters
above which include:
– Start/Stop
– Interlocks & Permissive
– Communications
Run motor from drive before attempting bypass operation.
System check: motor disconnected from the ACH580 with E-Clipse Bypass
If you are familiar with the E-Clipse Bypass operation, you may skip the following
section. Otherwise, after performing the system checks and setting the ACH580
Drive Start-up Data parameters, become familiar with the operation of the ACH580
Drive with E-Clipse Bypass without the motor connected as follows:
1. Disconnect and lock out power to the E-Clipse Bypass unit, wait at least five minutes
after disconnecting power.
2. Disconnect the motor from the E-Clipse Bypass unit.
3. Apply power to the E-Clipse Bypass unit by turning on the branch circuit disconnect
device and the bypass disconnect switch or circuit breaker.
4. The ACH580 Control Panel display should be illuminated. On the E-Clipse Bypass
control panel, both the display and
LED should be illuminated. If the
LED is not illuminated solid green, check to see that closed contacts or
jumpers connect terminal X2:3 to X2:4 and X2:2 to X2:7 on the bypass control
5. On the E-Clipse Bypass control panel, either the
Drive Selected
Bypass Selected
LED should be illuminated. Pressing the
Drive Select
Bypass Select
key should
switch the bypass back and forth between the
mode and the
mode as
indicated by the LEDs above each button. Check that the bypass control panel
switches the system between modes. Leave the system in the Bypass mode when
proceeding to the next step.
6. Check to see that pressing the:
key on the bypass control panel causes the bottom line on the E-Clipse
Bypass display to indicate “
Bypass in Auto
key on the bypass control panel generates a Motor Phase Fault.
58.01 – Protocol
1 – Modbus RTU
58.04 – Baud rate
6 – 76.8kbits/s
58.05 – Parity
2 – 8 EVEN 1
58.25 – Control profile
5 – DCU profile
58.34 – Word order
0 – HI-LO