ACH580 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
ACH580 E-Clipse Bypass
2. Check installation – Bypass
Control panel settings and checks
Apply power to the E-Clipse Bypass unit. The ACH580 Control Panel should show
the operating status of the drive. If the E-Clipse Bypass Control Panel displays a
PHASE SEQ (Phase Sequence) fault, remove power, wait at least 5 minutes and
then swap any two input phase wires. If the motor is a standard 240 V, 60 Hz motor
connected to a 240 V drive or a 460 V, 60 Hz motor connected to a 480 V drive, the
default parameter settings should be suitable for the initial tests described below. If
the motor’s rating is not 240 V or 460 V, 60 Hz, the Motor Nominal Voltage and Motor
Nominal Frequency parameters will need to be properly set before proceeding.
Refer to the
ACH580 HVAC control program firmware manual
and set the
parameters as required.
The settings for ALL external serial communication between the ACH580 with
E-Clipse Bypass and any Building Automation System are configured using the
E-Clipse Bypass operator panel. DO NOT attempt to configure the external serial
communication connection using the ACH580 operator panel!
The settings for internal communication between the ACH580 and the E-Clipse
Bypass are configured at the factory and require no adjustment.
Drive Link recovery procedure
If the ACH580 Drive communication settings are unintentionally changed during
setup a “Drive Link Fault”, “Drive Link Error” or “Drive Setup” alarm may be
displayed. Should this occur, accomplish the following steps in order.
Using the ACH580 Drive Keypad, set Parameter 9521 bit 5 to “Bypass present”. This
will automatically set up the ACH580 to support the bypass.