Loosen bar-retaining nut with the
socket wrench provided anticlockwise
and remove it together with bar cover.
Ensure that the tension pin is
adjusted to its far right position. If not,
turn the tension screw anticlockwise
with the slotted screwdriver.
Spread the saw chain around the
guide bar. Slide the chain into the
groove around the guide bar. Pay
attention to the cutting direction
Align the saw chain around the drive
sprocket and place one corner of the
guide bar into a gap of the sprocket.
Make sure the tension pin is inserted
into the lower hole(B) on the guide
Refit the cover,
slightly tighten
bar-retaining nut. Do not tighten fully.
The saw chain has not yet been
tensioned. Tension the chain as described
under “Adjusting The Chain Tension”.
After operating the product for approx.
30min, adjust the chain.
Check that the chain slides along the
bar maimtaining at all times the
tension when you move it with your
gloved hands, If needed, repeat the
process until the chain is mounted
New chains
have a certain dilatation when first used.
Verify and regulate the tenion of the
chain regularly. An incorrectly tensed
chain will wear out quickly and will also
wear out the guide of the bar.
The Chain Tension
Always check the saw chain tension
before use. A new saw chain tends to
stretch and will need readjustment after
first cuts and regularly during use,
approx. every five cuts. After initial
operation, new chains can lengthen
considerably. This is normal during the
break-in period and the interval
between future adjustments will