Your DRO was preprogrammed at the factory with the most popular settings and set to match the supplied linear encoders.
All settings, parameters, and custom programs are stored in power-independent memory. When power is interrupted or
the DRO is turned off with the switch on the back, no settings or data will be lost. However, if an axis is moved while the unit
is without power, the position of that axis will not be tracked. If this occurs, see reference zero restore for recovery
Machine Settings
To select between the mill and lathe machine specific functions, select the correct machine type from the Machine Set
menu. Mill mode includes functions such as Incline, Radius, Bolt Circle, Bolt Array, and Tool Diameter/Height Compensation.
Lathe mode includes Radius/Diameter display, Axis Summing, Vectoring, Taper Measurements function, and tool offsets.
Information Screen
1 Press the settings button
Use the right and left arrows to navigate to Machine
Settings and press OK
2 Use the up and down arrows to select the desired
machine type
Press OK to confirm
3 Press cancel to exit the settings menu
Press 1 to save changes or 2 to discard
-Machine Set
Save Changes?
1-Yes 2-No
Machine Type
Encoder Settings
Each encoder setting must be set for each axis independently. Under scale settings select the encoder axis to modify.
• Axis Units - Select the units for the encoder resolution under the Axis Units parameter. The two options are Counts/inch
and Counts/mm.
• Counts/Unit - Enter the number of counts per inch or counts per millimeter, depending on the previous setting. This
value is determined by the linear encoder. See the table in the end of this section for the most common resolutions and
corresponding counts/in.
• Axis Direction - Select the direction of travel so that all axes form a Right-handed Coordinate System. The two options
are straight or reversed.
• Reference Mark Type - Select the reference mark type. If the installed scales have distance coded reference marks, select
distance coded, otherwise choose single/periodic.
• Period / Increment - If the Reference Mark Type selected is distance coded, Period and Increment settings will be enabled.
See the table in the end of this section for the most common grating period/resolution/increment combinations and the
corresponding period and increment values.
• Diameter Mode - Select on to enable diameter mode which reports the axis position as a diameter, a useful feature for
some turning applications.
• Rounding - Select the number of decimal places to be rounded for the selected axis