Tool Compensation
When tool compensation is enabled in lathe mode, the digital readout will offset the displayed position from the actual
position by the difference in tool sizes. This feature allows you to perform operations with multiple tools without re-zeroing
every time the quick change tool post or turret is indexed. The DRO can store up to 99 unique lathe tool configurations. All
offsets in the tool configuration will be automatically applied when the tool is selected. To measure the tool offsets so they
may be entered into the DRO, perform the following steps.
To Enter Known Lathe Tool Offsets:
Information Screen
1 Press the tool button to access the tool compensation
2 Press 2 to edit or create a new tool configuration
Select the tool number you would like to edit using the
up and down arrows, then press OK to confirm
3 Enter the X offset using the numpad
Press OK to confirm
4 Enter the Z offset using the numpad
Press OK to confirm
5 Press 1 to store the tool
Press 2 to discard any changes
Tool Compensatn
1-Use 2-Edit
Edit Tool 01
Tool 01
1-Store 2-Discard
Tool Offset X
1.125 in
Tool Offset Z(Y)
0.0625 in
Lathe Functions
To Use Tool Compensation:
Information Screen
1 Press the tool button to access the tool compensation
2 Press 1 to use an existing tool configuration
Select the tool number you would like to apply using
the up and down arrows, then press OK to confirm
3 The X and Z offsets will now be applied to the tool
Tool Compensatn
1-Use 2-Edit
Select Tool 01
To Measure Lathe Tool Offsets:
1 Make sure offsets for TL01 are set to 0 and select TL01
2 Using tool #1 touch a cylindrical bar of a known diameter and set X to 0.
3 If X axis is in diameter mode, enter bar diameter as a “Tool Offset X” for TL01, otherwise use bar radius
4 Select TL02, make sure its offset is set to 0 and touch a cylindrical bar of a known diameter
5 Subtract current X axis reading (with sign) from the bar diameter and set resulting value as “Tool Offset X” for TL02
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 for TL03, TL04, etc