Tool Compensation
When tool compensation is enabled, the digital readout will offset the displayed position by the 1/2 tool diameter from the
actual position, Z coordinate will be also adjusted per tool length offset (if any). This feature allows a part to be machined
directly using the dimensions from the drawing.
In mill mode, the DRO stores the diameter and length offsets and can save up to 99 unique tools. The current tool is
displayed on information screen (e.g. “TL02”).
To Edit Tool Offsets:
Information Screen
1 Press the tool button to access the tool compensation
2 Press 2 to edit or create a new tool configuration
Select the tool number you would like to edit using the
up and down arrows, then press OK to confirm
3 Enter the tool diameter using the numpad
Press OK to confirm
4 Enter the length offset using the numpad
Press OK to confirm
5 Press 1 to store the tool
Press 2 to discard any changes
Tool Compensatn
1-Use 2-Edit
Edit Tool 01
Tool 01
1-Store 2-Discard
Tool Diameter
0.5 in
Length Offset
0 in
Mill Functions