Zero Reference Restore
To allow the user to recover the position of the tool after a power loss, this digital readout is equipped with a zero reference
restore function. To enable this feature, a reference zero must be set prior to loss of power. Each axis must be set and
recalled independently.
To Set Reference Zero:
Information Screen
1 Press F to navigate to the reference function
2 Press 1 to set a reference
3 Press the axis button for the axis you would like to set
4 Move the axis
until the information screen shows a brief
“found” message and the unit returns to normal operation
Reference (Abs)
1-Set 2-Restore
Found X=1.6012
Standard Functions
To Restore Reference Zero:
Information Screen
1 Press F to navigate to the reference function
2 Press 2 to restore a reference
3 Press the axis button for the axis you would like to restore
4 Move the axis
until the information screen shows a brief
“found” message and the unit returns to normal operation
Reference (Abs)
1-Set 2-Restore
Found X=1.6012
If scales with single/periodic reference marks are used, it is important to always to start from the end of travel and
to move the axis in the same direction during both setting and restoring reference
If scales with smart (distance coded) reference marks installed, it will only take about 1” of movement anywhere in either
direction along the axis to set or recover the absolute position.