User Manual 3PH HYD5000-HYD20000-ZSS
Rev. 1.1 16/03/2021
Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1. of 16/03/2021 - Application: GID
Updating ARM…
If any of the errors listed below appear, repeat the operation. If this happens several times,
contact the support service.
USB Fault
MDSP File Error
SDSP File Error
ARM File Error
Update DSP1 Fail
Update DSP2 Fail
Update ARM Fail
Table 19 - Software update errors
After completing the update, close the DC switch, wait for the LCD screen to turn off; then
restore the Wi-Fi connection and open both the DC and AC switches, wait a few seconds for the
inverter to turn on again. To check the current version of the system update, go to System Info
> Software Version.