IM 701510-01E
Displaying all waveforms
Continuing from step 6, 7 or 10, press the “
” soft
key to display all waveforms.
Number of acquisitions: Acquisition Count (N)
For DL1540, this setting specifies the number of times that data acquisitions will be
stored in memory, and ranges from 1 to 100. 100 is default setting.
For DL1520L/DL1540L, the record length per iteration (for a given channel) and the
number of allowable iterations are determined by the selected maximum displayable
record length (see page 7-2), as indicated below. Under default settings the record length
is 10 KW, and 100 iterations are stored.
Maximum Displayable
Supported Iteration
Record Length per
Record Length
Waveform Iteration (per channel)
1 KW
1 to 100
1 to 100
Same as “displayed record length” in
App. 3 (page App-5)
10 KW
1 to 50
1 to 100
Same as “displayed record length” in
App. 3 (page App-6)
100 KW
1 to 5
1 to 10
Same as “displayed record length” in
App. 3 (page App-7)
• For DL1520L/DL1540L, 400 KW or above: Function is not supported.
The number of acquired data can be viewed in the upper side of the screen, where the
indication such as “
” appears.
Displaying acquired data: Display Trace
The way of displaying the acquired data can be selected from the following.
• Displaying the selected waveform only
Selecting the waveform can be done by setting the Display Number or by highlighting
data from the Time Stamp list.
• Displaying all waveforms
When all waveforms are displayed, you can easily spot the waveform which is selected
by the Display Number since it is displayed more brightly.
Selecting the waveform to be displayed: Display Number
The setting ranges from 0 to –(the acquisition count number –1). The maximum value is 0.
The latest data being 0, previous data are labeled –1, –2, –3, etc..
Points to note when using the sequential store function
• For more details on trigger modes, refer to page 6-12.
• After the data is acquired the specified number of times, all the waveforms will appear on
the screen at once.
• Data will not be acquired in case of the repetitive sampling mode.
• If data acquisition is aborted while in progress, only the waveforms which have been
acquired so far will appear on the display. Only the acquired waveforms can be selected
at the Display Number setting.
• The all single modes will be deacivated when the history memory function is turned ON.
• Trigger mode cannot be set to “single (N) mode” if the selected record length is 400 KW,
1 MW, or 2 MW (for DL1540L only).
7.4 Acquiring Waveforms using the Sequential Store Function (for DL1520L/DL1540/DL1540L)