12. Job
3. Data type
These check boxes determine the type(s) of data to be
copied. Move the cursor to a check box and use the
[YES +1] button to turn the check mark on if you want
the corresponding type of data to be copied, or use the
[NO -1] button to turn the check mark off if you don't
want the corresponding type of data to be copied.
Settings :
Copy the corresponding data
Do not copy this data type.
Job 28 Exchange Track
Exchanges the specified type of data between two specified
1. Track
Specifies the first of the two tracks between which data
will be exchanged.
2. Track
Specifies the second of the two tracks between which
data will be exchanged.
3. Data type
These check boxes determine the type(s) of data to be
exchanged between the specified tracks. Move the cur-
sor to a check box and use the [YES +1] button to turn
the check mark on if you want the corresponding type
of data to be exchanged, or use the [NO -1] button to
turn the check mark off if you don't want the corre-
sponding type of data to be exchanged.
Settings :
Exchange the corresponding
data type.
Do not exchange this data type.
Job 29 Clear Track
This job deletes all data (of the selected type) from the se-
lected pattern track, or from all pattern tracks.
1. Section
The Sec setting selects the section to be cleared.
Settings : A ... P
2. Track
The TR setting selects the track to be cleared.
Settings : 01 ... 16
3. Data type
These check boxes determine the type(s) of data to be
deleted. Move the cursor to a check box and use the
[YES +1] button to turn the check mark on if you want
the corresponding type of data to be deleted, or use the
[NO -1] button to turn the check mark off if you don't
want the corresponding type of data to be deleted.
Settings :
Delete the corresponding data
Do not delete this data type.
Job 30 Normalize Play Effect
This job rewrites the data in the selected sequence track so
that the new data incorporates the current Play Fx/Groove/
MIDI Delay settings (pages 57, 55, 60). In other words, the
external Play Fx/Groove/MIDI Delay values are internalized
into the track’s MIDI event data.
After rewriting the track’s sequence data, the job reinitializes
the track’s play-effect parameters.
1. Track
The TR value selects the track to be normalized.
Settings : 01 ... 16
Normalize the corre-
sponding sequence
Normalize all sequence