12. Job
Where quantizing value is , or :
Setting range
With the triplet quantizing values (see above), the RM1x
applies the shift to the third interval only. In this case, a
66% setting produces no adjustment (so that the third
interval remains at its original position). Higher values
shift the interval to the right. The maximum setting is
83%, which shifts the interval by an amount equal to
one-half the quantizing value. (Notice that in this case,
the 100% scale represents three times the quantizing
Where quantizing value is , :
Setting range
In the case of normal-plus-triplet quantizing values, the
RM1x applies the shift only to the non-triplet part of
the rhythm, as illustrated above. In this case, a setting
of 50% produces no shift, while higher values shift the
even interval to the right. Note that the maximum set-
ting is 66%, which moves the interval all the way up to
the position of the third note in the triplet rhythm. (The
100% scale represents double the or quantizing
Settings :
If quantizing value is , , ,
: 50% ... 75%
If quantizing value is
: 66% ... 83%
If quantizing value is
: 50% ... 66%
• If you set STRENGTH below 100%, notes may lie at ar-
bitrary locations within the interval prior to the “swing-
rate” shift. In this case, the RM1x will slide all of the notes
within the interval by an equal amount.
• Where STRENGTH is less than 100%, therefore, it is pos-
sible that the swing adjustment may push some notes into
the next interval. If the RM1x must push a note beyond
one or more notes lying in the next interval, it will shift
these other notes to the same location as well.
6. Swing Gate Time
This value applies a proportional adjustment to the gate
timing of the notes within the swing-adjusted intervals.
The gate time is the length of time that a note is held.
You can use this setting, therefore, to lengthen or shorten
the notes in the swing-adjusted intervals.
A setting of 100% leaves the original gate time un-
changed. Higher settings increase the gate time, while
lower settings shorten it.
If an adjusted gate-time value is less than 1, the RM1x
sets the value to 1.
Settings : 000% ... 100% ... 200%
Job 02 Modify Velocity
This job alters the velocity values of the specified range of
notes (pitches) in the specified segment of the designated track.
Remember that velocity refers to the force with which a note
is struck. The precise effect of a velocity change varies ac-
cording to the voice: in most cases a higher velocity produces
a louder sound.
Using this job, you can choose to set all targeted notes to an
identical velocity value, or you can apply a relative (linear)
adjustment to the original velocity values.
If making a relative adjustment, you use two parameters: the
Rate and the Offset. The Rate value applies a proportional
change to the velocity value, while the Offset value (which is
applied after the Rate adjustment) adds a fixed value. The re-
lation is as follows:
Adjusted velocity = (original velocity X Rate) + Offset.
If the adjustment result is less than 1, the RM1x sets the value
to 1. If the result is higher than 127, the RM1x sets the value
to 127.
1. Phrase setting: Phrs
Sets the phrase to which adjustment is applied.
Settings : 001 ... 256
2. Segment (M001:1:000 ~ M257: 1:000)
Sets the area of the phrase over which adjustment is
carried out. The first segment sets the measure, beat,
and clock for the start point; the second segment sets
the end point.
Settings : Measure: beat : clock
001:1:000 ... 999:8:479