How to use the manuals
The documentation for the RM1x consists of the following two manuals. Understand the role of each manual, and refer to them
as necessary.
Owner's Manual (this manual)
This explains precautions for use, how to make connections, and all parameters and commands. Use this manual like a
dictionary whenever you need to.
Chapter 1. Basic concepts
Chapter 2. Pattern mode
Chapter 3. Pattern Chain mode
Chapter 4. Song mode
Chapter 5. Utility mode
“Pattern mode”, “Pattern chain mode” and “Song mode” have several functions in common.
In this manual, explanations for these common functions are given in greater detail in chapter 2 “Pattern mode”. Some of
the overlapping explanation in chapter 3 “Pattern Chain mode” and chapter 4 “Song mode” is omitted. In such cases, the
appropriate page of chapter 2 “Pattern mode” is indicated so that you can refer to it.
List Book
This is a booklet that contains various lists such as the Voice list, Preset Style list, Effect list, MIDI data format, and MIDI
implementation chart.
Printing conventions in this manual
This manual uses the following icons to indicate buttons and to distinguish different types of information.
This indicates a panel button. The symbol in the box indicates the symbol printed on the button.
1 2
This indicates the actual procedure for using the function.
This indicates supplementary explanations related to the function, examples of use, and hints.
How to use the manuals/Printing conventions in this manual